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  1. Lisa Friedly

    I’m loving everything so far. I look forward to reading more of your work as time goes along.

    • Lydia

      Thank you Lisa! I’m so glad you’re loving it, and I will be writing more in the future!

      • Candice Mueller

        I’m hooked and enchanted by your stories in Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus! I haven’t been an avid reader for years and years but the first book changed all that. Now I start to panic if I don’t have the next book ready to go. It’s a curse and a blessing. LOL

        • Lydia

          I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them! They are a blast to write and I’m already working on the next one :). If you are longing to read more about the characters and world while you wait, I post a new short story once a month on my Patreon page. There’s already over four dozen stories in the archives that you can read as soon as you join, and you can stick around for the new monthly content. Check it out at, it’ll give you lots to read to tide you over until the next book comes out!

    • Margaret

      I Need to read more about Sebastian! When is the 2nd book in his series coming??

      • Lydia

        I’ve written part of it, but right now the main demand is for the Lily Singer Adventures, so I’ll be doing Book 8 of LSA first.

  2. Thomas Hood

    The blog looks great and is such a good resource! Thank you!

    • Lydia

      Thank you Thomas! I’m glad you find it useful :). I usually post every Thursday, so stay tuned for more great content!

    • Cynthia Wilder

      Accidental Witch was great looking forward to book 2. I have read the complete Hocus Pocus series, waiting on the Next book. This is an awesome series

      • Lydia

        I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I’m working on Book 7 now of the main series, I also have two novellas (A Study In Mischief, and Cat Magic) if you haven’t read those yet. If you’re super desperate for something to read while you wait for Book 7, though, be sure to check out my Patreon page where I post a new Lily Singer short story every month. You can subscribe for as little or as long as you want, and as soon as you join you get instant access to dozens of stories!

        • Leila Kern

          I have just finished the 7th book in your series and am so I am done (for now). I cannot wait for the next book! I find the series fun reading and a great escape from the real world! Thank you so much for writing these books. I love Lily and Sebastian and their relationship. And. I especially love, love,love Sir Kipling who is not afraid to say what he means! So much like a cat! Keep on writing please!9

          • Lydia

            So glad you’ve enjoyed them! The characters all have a special place in my heart, and they have many more adventures to come before I’m finished with them. I wish I could get each book done faster, but better slow and steady than not at all, I guess!

      • Iris Kraft

        Your books are delightful and a much needed respite that allowed me to indulge and get lost in your stories for a bit.
        It was challenging to finally get the books downloaded into my white kindle. Used Bookfunnel app, sent them to their library, turned into Gpub
        and then sent it to my email, then forwarded that email to my Kindle email address. It worked.

        • Lydia

          So glad it all worked out! I’m hard at work writing more, and I just released an art book for the LLHP universe, so check that out too 🙂

  3. Michael

    I just finished reading the fifth book! (technically the fourth, if you aren’t including the “origin story”) They were all great! Can’t wait for the sixth 😉
    Thank you for writing these & good luck with the next ones! 🙂

    • Lydia

      Thanks so much for letting me know Michael! I’m really glad you enjoyed them, and I’m really looking forward to continuing the series, once I’m done with my current projects of course! Keep up with my newsletter and you’ll hear when they are coming. In the meantime, I’d so appreciate it if you’d hop on Amazon/Goodreads and leave a few words letting people know what you thought of the books. Reviews are really helpful for any author! Thanks again, and happy reading 🙂

  4. Wolf Lunari

    I love Love Lies and Hocus Pocus. I just finished the 4th book but have yet to read the origin story (I’m bracing myself for the dark times ahead). I have no doubt that it will be amazing! I can’t wait for the next book to come out! I love the writing style and have always been a sucker for fantasy and the idea that magic is not all showy and flashy.

    • Lydia

      That’s awesome Wolf Lunari! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed it, it was certainly fun to write so far and I’ve spent many an hour plotting the rest of books in the series (and plenty of time crying/sweating over getting it just right, haha!). The Dark Roads trilogy (Accidental Witch being Book 1) is certainly dark, but it isn’t too sad since you already know how Sebastian turned out, haha! The stuff he went through is hard, but he learned and grew through it. Anyway, Book 5 of LLHP comes out in late February, so keep an eye out for that. And if you want more Lily Singer in the meantime, check out my Patreon page!

  5. Yvonne Saint-Clair

    First discovered this author just a few weeks ago and I have just finished every book published by her. I think she’s a good writer and her stories are enjoyable and enthralling! Looking forward to the next one.

    • Lydia

      Oh my, thank you so much Yvonne! I’m glad you enjoyed the books. I’m hard at work on the Lily Singer Adventures Book 7. If you’re very desperate for more stories about these characters while you wait, I do post short stories every month on my Patreon page. You can find it at

  6. Lydia Manfredi

    Was fortunate to come across your work during holiday break and am quite enamored with Book 1. As a lover of snark, in all its forms (Jodi Taylor being one of my favorite authors), I look forward to continuing my jaunt through your tomes. Best of luck!

    • Lawrence Brady

      I just finished binge reading Books 5 and 6 and The Accidental Witch, and am looking forward to more.

      Alas, I’ll have to move back to reading the collected works of Edgar Allan Poe. Some of his works are a bit stuffy, and I have to keep a copy of Wiktionary open to look up some of his ancient or unfamiliar vocabulary, and a Wikipedia window open to check some of his and other references. The Wikipedia window was in useful your geographical references. The Castle doesn’t seem nearly as big in the Wikipedia article picture as it does in your description in your story!

      • Lydia

        Yes, it does seem a lot smaller in real life, haha! And it probably is, but then I take pretty significant liberties on the interior , that is all 100% made up as I’ve never been inside the place before. I’m sure people who have actually been there can forgive my inaccuracies for the sake of engaging fiction!

        Thanks for reading, working on Book 7 now 🙂

      • Pauline

        J have just finished reading all your hocus pocus and accidental witch books – they were great .
        Can’t wait for the next books to come out.

        • Lydia

          Hi Pauline! I’m so glad you enjoyed them, they were a ton of fun to write! I’m working on Book 7 now, it’s due out November 12th! If you’re desperate for something to read in the meantime, check out my patreon site where I post a new Lily Singer short story every month. I also have a short story collection available through my Patreon.

          • Bob Workman

            Your books 📚 are fast 📚! I have just finished the first one and can’t what to start the next! It takes great imagination to create stories like you have with Lily and Sebastian! I would like to have just half of your ability to be able to write ✍ like you have! Anyway, keep up with your wonderful books 📚!

          • Lydia

            Thanks so much Bob! I’m glad you’re enjoying them, and I’ve been really blessed with my imagination and the situation I’m in that allows me to write. I love it to death and never intend to stop, so you have many more books to look forward to! Happy reading 🙂

  7. Susan F

    I just finished your first Book in the Loves, Lies, and Hocus Pocus series. I loved it. I found you through suggestions on Facebook. I was enjoying the story already and then you started talking about southern mansions and then you mentioned Eufaula, AL. My family hails from there. How did you come about learning of it and the awesome mansions there?

    • Lydia

      Hi Susan! As a matter of fact, my husband grew up near there. He grew up in Seale, AL and went to college in Eufaula (to a college that is no longer there). He has told me many, many stories about the area ;).

  8. Sandra D Lee

    Loved all 7 LLHP books, both novellas & Accidental Witch. Can’t wait for Cat Mischief & Cat Magic—The Game coming soon! I also ordered Into the Real as well. I have not read trans dimensional fantasy before. Looking forward to it! You are just delightful! Hopefully holding up during Cat Magic TG Kickstarter & 1st trimester— it figures you would be tired.. so tired… incredibly tired….I loved the toddler rendition of the LLHP Art templates next to Mom version ha ha !

    • Lydia

      Hehe! Well, the Dread Pirate Toddler is quite convinced that he is better than mommy at everything. He regularly declares himself the strongest and fastest in the family. We, of course, smile and roll our eyes. He’ll learn eventually.
      I slept a lot today, so that was nice. Once the Kickstarter ends we have a whole lot of work to do, but we’ll get it done, one step at a time. Thanks so much for your encouraging support!

    • Lydia

      That is too cute! Beautiful artwork, thanks for sharing.

  9. Brian

    Hi Any way to get the last issue of your newsletter? I accidently deleted it.
    Thank youy

    • Lydia

      Yes! I can forward it to you, just go to the “contact” portion of my website and shoot me a message with your contact email and I’ll reply and forward you the newsletter.



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